Unlock Every Student's Potential with Tailored, High-Quality Support Across All Subjects

The WV Adult Education programs provide adults with opportunities to acquire and improve functional skills necessary for enhancing their quality of life as workers, family members, and citizens. These programs are essential for fostering growth and success.

About Us

Empowering Adults to Achieve Educational Success

At WV Adult Education, we are committed to empowering individuals by providing access to education and training opportunities that enhance their skills and open doors to a brighter future. Our programs are designed to help adults build functional skills that improve their quality of life as workers, family members, and active citizens.


Empowering Success

To help every student gain the skills and confidence needed to excel.


Fostering Growth

To create a supportive environment where lifelong learning thrives.

Build Skills for Success

What We Offer

Free GED - ESL

Job Training


Empowering learners worldwide with accessible, quality education.

WV Adult Education Hotline: 800-642-2670

The WV Adult Education programs build skills for success by providing adults with the opportunity to acquire and improve functional skills necessary to enhance the quality of their lives as workers, family members, and citizens. These programs play an important role in fostering productive employment, effective citizenship, personal and family growth, self-esteem, and dignity for adult learners.